The Hugo Awards have been given annually since 1955 for the best science fiction or fantasy works, including best novel. I love science fiction and I recently thought of reading all the Hugo Award-winning novels that I hadn't read. So I checked out the list of Hugo Award-winning novels and was surprised to find that I had read 9 of them -- surprised, because I always feel like I read less than a lot of my friends.
My list:
I think it's probably better to list the ones I _haven't_ read:
So, of the 56 winners (56 years, two skips, two ties), I have read 39.
Not great, not shabby.
Posted by: Marshall | Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 12:50 PM
Followup: Turns out that we own four of the ones I haven't read.
Something for me to do over the next week's worth of evenings.... ;-)
Posted by: Marshall | Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 02:03 PM
Damn; I think of myself as one of the people who doesn't read that much, and I've read 31 of them. Here's what I haven't read:
They'd Rather Be Right (aka: The Forever Machine)
The Big Time
A Case of Conscience
Here Gather the Stars (aka: Way Station)
The Wanderer
...And Call Me Conrad (aka: This Immortal)
Stand on Zanzibar
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Gods Themselves
The Dispossessed
The Fountains of Paradise
Downbelow Station
The Vor Game
Green Mars
Mirror Dance
Blue Mars
Paladin of Souls
Rainbows End
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
I've read all three of the retro Hugos as well.
Posted by: Dori | Monday, July 13, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Oh yeah - the retro ones. I've read those, too ;-)
Surprisingly, I have read all of this years' nominees, with the exception of the Gaiman one. Many more than most of the recent nominees.
Time to do some reading, while baseball is on hiatus.
Posted by: Marshall | Monday, July 13, 2009 at 05:09 PM
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Posted by: Martin | Friday, December 18, 2009 at 10:30 PM